Saludos desde el Museo Internacional de la Muñeca en Flateyri
Monday, October 21, 2024
Labels: Cultura e V, DGFK e V Berlin, Dr Senta Siller, HAATC Bamenda, Nauen, Stella Pachon
posted by Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch @ 8:54 AM,
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Booklets by Senta Siller
Friday, April 5, 2024
Labels: Dr Senta Siller, Publications
posted by Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch @ 11:09 AM,
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Para los amantes de las artes y la artesanía
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Labels: Information
posted by Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch @ 8:56 AM,
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Bartolome de las Casas and Hans Knoepfli
Monday, September 18, 2023
Bartolome de las Casas (1484-1566) worked in Central America and Hans Knoepfli (1927-2023) in the Cameroonian grasslands; Both were connected to the organization of the church, but both are committed to preserving the traditional structures. De las Casas worked against enslavement, Knoepfli against the selling off of traditional values. Both worked on location - Being recognized for their work was not their main concern!
In our present time of global-digital-unification, it is of utter important to preserve the traditional-analogue-system, - without taking into account the influence of mass tourism, job creations, pseudo-inter-relationships, - the pseudo-values of the current time!
Academic institutions and their allies cannot carry out this task, - their stubbornness hinders and prevents them!
For this purpose and for this reason, there is a need to make efforts and carry out in-depth research, ignoring the prevailing and adopted values in order to create awareness about traditional values!
Labels: Amjad Ali Thatta Ghulamka Dhriroka, Cultura e V Nauen, DGFK e V Berlin, Ignatius Nji Bamenda, Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch IPC, Romillio Rodriguez Fajardo Chiquinquira
posted by Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch @ 9:21 AM,
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Senta y Monika saludan y presentan
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Senta and Monika greet and introduce
Stella and Camila to the felted sheep:
Labels: Cultura e V Nauen, DGFK e V Berlin, Elcampomirando, Monika Kuppler, Senta Siller
posted by Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch @ 12:52 PM,
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Of the Power of the Small
Thursday, June 29, 2023
by Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch
No matter what is conceived or initiated, - more or less quickly the thought process moves to mass thinking and mass production; The motive in the background is to be able to participate in global events.
Even if such thought processes are understandable due to the global spree, still the preservation and support of the small-scale and unspectacular projects is necessary.
It is not the globalization and digitization that represents the basis for the future, but the increasingly disappearing analogue, the cultural asset that has emerged at some point - similar to the arctic seed vault in Spitzergen in the area of plants and horticulture.
It is urgently needed to support the delicate shoots of such projects is urgently needed, including the preservation of the environment.
The usual commercialization of such projects is counterproductive and destructive!
Del poder de lo pequeño
Para preservar los bienes culturales tradicionales
Profesor Doctor Norberto Pintsch
Independientemente de lo que se conciba o inicie, se piensa más o menos rápidamente en términos de masa y producción; la razón primaria es la participación en acontecimientos globales.
Aunque tales pensamientos sean comprensibles debido a la influencia global, es necesario preservar y apoyar los proyectos a pequeña escala y no necesariamente espectaculares.
No es lo globalizado y digitalizado lo que representa la base del futuro, sino lo analógico que está desapareciendo cada vez más, el bien cultural que se creó en algún momento, similar a una bóveda que almacena semillas vegetales en el ártico.
Aquí se necesita urgentemente el apoyo de los brotes de un proyecto, incluida la preservación del entorno.
¡La comercialización habitual de tales proyectos es contraproducente y destructiva!
Labels: Cultura e V Nauen, DGFK e V Berlin, Norbert Pintsch, Saboya, Senta Siller, Tanto Mejor
posted by Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch @ 10:10 AM,
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Announcement - Anuncio
Friday, February 17, 2023
Senta Siller se desempeñó en el transcurso de su vida en distintas posiciones y países, en más de 75 años de trabajo se encontró a una innumerable cantidad de personas, a quienes entre tanto en gran parte ya no se puede entrevistar.
En este escrito pudieron sin embargo tomar la palabra algunas voces, que con gusto recuerdan el trabajo o bien el encuentro no solo para proyectos de muñecas, con esta excepcional mujer.
Pocas veces nos encontramos con personas que verdaderamente son activas en la sociedad de forma desinteresada.
La siguiente publicación debe animar al lector en el actuar, en el sentido de hacer, aún cuando todo habla en contra,-
Dirigido al común de la gente, incluso si este tipo de proyectos, como SSi los inició y llevó a cabo en su totalidad junto con muchos ayudantes y voluntarios,- están dirigidos totalmente en contra de la deteriorante corriente principal global.
Los editores agradecen a todas las personas participantes, organizaciones e instituciones, que apoyaron los pensamientos de SSi y que los siguen promoviendo.
On the occasion of Senta Siller's 88th birthday in 2023, the Friends of the SSDC in TGD have resolved to publish a memorandum in her honor.
This should not be understood as a homage to a person who always rejected such endeavors, but rather as an appreciation of an unusual idea, namely income-generating measures for people in rural areas, based on traditional culture and using local resources, and highlighting the selflessness of the project. This stands in complete contrast to the prevailing and increasingly growing global effort towards equalization of all cultures, discounting the fact that they are the real wealth of a country. Wealth, which is irrevocably lost in the onslought of technology euphorics.
Senta Siller has worked in different positions and countries in the course of her life. In more than 75 years of activity she has met countless people, a large number of whom can no longer be interviewed. In this writing however, a few voices were able to have their say, in which they fondly remember their encounters with this unusual woman, not only in her doll-making projects.
Rarely do we meet people who are really unselfishly active for the benefit of society.
The present publication intends to stimulate the reader in undertaking, in the sense of making a certain effort, even if everything else speaks against it, - all for the welfare of the general public, even if such projects, as initiated by SSi and implemented with the help of many volunteers, are directed completely opposite to the global and digital mainstream.
The editors would like to thank all the people, organizations and institutions involved who have supported and continue to support the work and ideas of SSi.
Labels: Senta Siller, SSi
posted by Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch @ 9:15 AM,
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