Colombia Project

Artesanía y Tecnología Apropriada - El futuro está en el campo
Handicraft and Appropriate Technology - The future lies in the rural areas

Discussion regarding initiation of project at UN-L

Experiences are available from a number of projects, which deal with traditional cultures, are available. They originate basically from actual work in the rural areas, which is very important, but difficult from the point of view of financial assistance, as the official cooperation possibilities lead to generalization of problems, i.e. one is inclined towards solutions which are supposed to be valid for a large regions, -and this from a point of view of the current political and economic realities. Holistic considerations are based at the traditional level and are not oriented towards maximization of profits, - one of the reasons, why the problems are generally seen and processed in industrial terms.
While the holistic consideration and processing of things requires complete, partly long-term deployment of a generalist with a feeling for local, traditional culture and without his own economic interests, the cooperative, institutionalized methods are structured in such a way, that persons, periods, regions are almost inter-changeable and experiences are limited to short research periods. One could therefore speak of work in an open system, in which resources and the environment are ignored.

It is interesting to note, that this way of solving problems is necessary in a closed system. Examples of such systems are underwater laboratories, space stations and extreme climactic situations. To this extent, the holistic and closed systems have similar structures, however the open systems specially in urban areas lead to massive development in the totally wrong direction.

The results of their efforts are not solutions to the problems but postponement of problems with unforeseeable consequences, because the application periods of a situation keep getting smaller and only with difficulty can one collect real experiences through this economic oriented approach.

Holistic approach to work is not supported in western oriented countries and also not by the appropriately educated elite classes, which is self explanatory. Still, there are method, which work against this development. For example the Institute for Experimental Construction in Pakistan, the Institute for Alternative Methods in Cameroon, the last one indicates clearly, that the concept is not limited to empty words or a small section in the teaching program, rather a totally different (holistic) approach.


posted by Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch @ 8:30 AM,


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